享首月訂閱Xbox Game Pass無限暢玩
- ✓ 暢玩超過100款高品質遊戲
- ✓ 透過網上主機多人遊戲,與好友一起暢玩
- ✓ 持續不斷新增遊戲,隨時都有新的遊戲可以玩
- ✓ 上市當天搶先暢玩 Xbox Game Studios 的精彩新遊戲,以及來自 Bethesda Softworks 的旗艦系列遊戲、獨立遊戲、暢銷遊戲等等
- ✓ 包含 EA Play 會員資格
- ✓ 使用 Game Pass 暢玩更多 Riot Games 遊戲
- ✓ 享會員優惠、折扣與權益
- ✓ 享有免費權益,其中包括遊戲內內容、消耗性產品、以及合作夥伴優惠等等
購買指定款MSI筆電/電競掌機/桌機並至Microsoft Store 兌換試用的 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 訂閱服務(除非取消訂閱,否則試用期結束時,將自動續訂收取訂閱費。)

體驗 Bethesda 最具雄心壯志的鉅作,享受新一代的開放世界遊戲。
扮演 111 號避難所唯一的倖存者,你將探索被核戰摧毀的世界,
即刻訂閱Xbox Game Pass,重建並決定這片廢土的命運!
*所有活動與參加條件,請依照 Microsoft Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 公告之內容與事項為主
詳情請至 https://www.xbox.com/regions 參考
如何兌換試用的 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 訂閱服務?
在首次啟用Windows時,系統會引導至 Windows 自訂全新體驗 (OOBE).
此時將有自動彈出工作視窗顯示 “You’ve got free Xbox Game Pass Ultimate / PC Game Pass!”. 請點選 “領取”.

第一次啟動 Xbox 應用程式
步驟 1 : 從工作列進入 Xbox 應用程式

步驟 2 : 啟動應用程式後系統自動彈出工作視窗顯示 “You’ve
got free
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate / PC Game Pass!”. 點選 “登入並領取”.
提醒: 若此階段按 “略過”選擇稍後領取,則請參考 此步驟

透過 Xbox 應用程式領取
步驟 1 : 從工作列進入 Microsoft Store 應用程式

步驟 2 : 在 Game Pass頁面中點選 [取得GAME PASS]

步驟 3 : 之後,在Xbox Game Pass Ultimate的提示中點選 [立即領取],即開始領取

透過 Microsoft Store應用程式領取
步驟 1 : 從工作列進入 Xbox 應用程式

步驟 2 : 在 Microsoft Store 首頁,進入媒體櫃

步驟 3 : 在媒體櫃中點選[包含於裝置],即會出現 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate的領取提示

步驟 4 : 點選 [領取]即可開始領取


Terms and Conditions
- Credit card required. Unless you cancel, you will be charged the then-current regular membership rate when the promotional period ends. Terms and exclusions apply. After term, active membership required to play games and online multiplayer. Game catalog varies over time, region, and by device. DLC sold separately; if a game is removed from catalog or your membership ends, you will need to purchase the game separately to use your DLC. If you’re already an Xbox Live Gold and/or Game Pass for Console/PC member, any days remaining in your membership(s) will be converted to Ultimate using a conversion ratio. Future code redemptions also subject to conversion ratio. All conversions to Ultimate are final. Details and system requirementsatwww.xbox.com/gamepass. Offer valid in all Xbox Game Pass markets excluding Russia. Digital Direct: Your digital content will be delivered directly to your device during set-up; no codes required.
- MSI reserves the right at its absolute discretion to vary, delete or add to any of these Terms & Conditions. By participating in this promotion, including submitting the required information, participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
- Eligible Region: Please visit https://www.xbox.com/regions for the newest
*Specification may vary by model and by country. Please refer to the final specification of the product purchased for Xbox Game Pass bundle details.